What do you get when you combine the talents and tummies of a photographer (Vanessa Galle Photography) and food blogger (Fables and Focaccia) who share an immense fondness for Italian chocolate hazelnut spread?  A fun and flavorful photo collection of like-minded Nutella aficionados demonstrating their passion for the gianduia cream, by showing off their best “Nutella Face”.

Designed by Vanessa Galle
Designed by Vanessa Galle

The Italian food phenomenon has been putting joyous grins on the faces of many since its creation in 1944 making it one of the world’s most beloved accompaniments to bread.  What began as a humble means to ration chocolate during the Second World War has turned into a confectionary empire landing the Ferrero family on the Forbes billionaire list.  Seventy years later, the creation of Pietro Ferrero has become a global sensation, enjoyed in over 75 countries across the planet, by men and women of all ages.  So beloved is the chocolate spread that a holiday in its honor has been declared, World Nutella Day, celebrated on February 5th.

To commemorate this special date we invited a dynamic range of Nutella lovers, varying in age and background, to immortalize on film their most genuine expression of adoration for the cocoa cream.  Paired up with baguettes, breadsticks, giant spoons and of course plenty of our favorite spread (5kg worth in fact) these amazing folks put forward an awesome “Nutella Face”.

Nutella 0111Italian folk musician Giuseppe cannot sing enough praise about the gianduia cream and you’ll never get him to change his tune about his love of Nutella.

Nutella 0110Even a tough guy like fitness buff Dario can’t resist the wiles of the chocolate hazelnut spread.  All his muscle is no match against Nutella.

Nutella 019Nutella may as well be kryptonite for this adorable little superman who loses all willpower when it comes to his favorite spread.  Two year old Marcus will fly faster than a speeding bullet towards a jar.

Nutella 017When it comes to the chocolate hazelnut spread, it’s double the love and double the fun for twin sisters Isabella and Sofia, not to mention a whole lot of sweet kisses for their Nutella-loving mother.

Nutella 016Elementary school teacher Jaclyn starts giving lessons in taste, in utero.  The mom-to-be is already passing on her love of Nutella to baby

Nutella 015For junior soccer star Luca, scoring a snack of Nutella on toast is equal to scoring the winning goal in a championship match.

Nutella 014Nutella scores a perfect 10 for figure skater Mikaela and is worthy of no less than a gold medal for her tastebuds.

Nutella 013Rather than being behind the camera, photographer Shiri, steps out in front of it to give us a clear picture of how much she adores the chocolate spread.  http://www.focusstudios.ca/

Nutella 012Nutella always tops the grocery list of food enthusiast Daniela.  The spread is a staple in her pantry and makes an appearance on almost everything.

Nutella 01Nutella definitely gets this art director’s creative juices flowing.  For David, a spoonful of the chocolate hazelnut spread is an artistic masterpiece.  https://www.facebook.com/DfDiB

There is no better way to beat writer’s block then by putting down the pen and picking up the Nutella. My passion for this Italian confection could be the makings of the next great love story, or at least a great blog. Happy World Nutella Day from Fables and Focaccia ~ Jenny

Nutella 018**Disclaimer:  No jar was harmed during the shooting of “Nutella Face” and every smear of the spread was thoroughly enjoyed by the participants

Photography by Vanessa Galle Photography



One Response

  1. Wow, that’s one monster jar of Nutella! It looks almost as big as the “little Superman”. I haven’t had it in years but this posting might have just inspired me to create some sort of Nutella flavored burger creation. Thanks for sharing this fun post! 🙂

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