Turdilli: The Deliciously Twisted Calabrese Cookie

Turdilli are a traditional Calabrese dessert made during the Christmas season. They are wine cookies that are fried and coated in honey. They hail from the province of Cosenza. Fig honey is traditionally used to coat them as it is typical of this Calabrian province, and it gives these treats a distinct coloring and flavoring. […]

Zippuli: Frying Up Tradition

Christmas Eve is around the corner and that can only mean one thing, zippuli frying up for our family’s enjoyment.  Yes, a five-star cenone of succulent seafood is in the works for the vigilia but we typically whet our appetites with a lunch of zippuli.  Not to be confused with the sweet pastries prepared for […]

Calabria: Savouring Italy’s South

In Italy’s south lies a peninsula within a peninsula, the region of Calabria.  The toe of the boot as it is often referred to, has an incredible geographic makeup.  A mountainous landscape of hill-top towns, juxtaposed against dense forests, overlooking a dramatic Mediterranean coastline.   Calabria, much like Sicily, has been shaped by its contact […]

Taste of Calabria

If you’re Calabrese, you likely know, or have heard the word angulèja which is dialect for “craving”.  This is a word I often use in reference to the craving I have for Calabrian cuisine every year that I don’t get to travel to the toe of the peninsula. Thanks to the Italian Chamber of Commerce […]