The Taste of the World is Italian

Taste, it is both a noun and a verb, it refers to the act of food coming into contact with the tongue as well as the sensation that is perceived when that contact is made. Most recently, taste has come to mean a number one ranking for the cuisine I have known and loved, my […]

When it comes to Italian Food, I Love Being Schooled

“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice” – Brian Herbert I was recently given the gift of learning by the ICCO, Alma La Scuola Internazionale di Cucina and True Italian Taste.  In a series of Masterclasses conducted by Chef Carlo-Maria Ricci, […]

CENTITALIA! Extraordinary Italian Taste

Luciano Pavarotti once said, “one of the nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever we are doing and devout our attention to eating.”  Well over the course of a week dedicated to Extraordinary Italian Taste I was able to devout plenty of attention to not only eating authentic Italian food […]

How Italy Does Italian: Italy at the Table

It is said that Italians embrace le gioie della tavola (the joys of the table), for it is in gathering around the table where warmth, joy and magic are created, in particular when it comes to what is on the plate.  Those joys were definitely evident recently at an event called “How Italy Does Italian: […]