Puglia and my Palate

“I urge you to travel – Find out how other people live and eat and cook”- Anthony Bourdain Travel and learn I did.  My recent trip to Puglia was an outstanding culinary education on a wonderfully traditional southern Italian cuisine. The geographical make up of this region alone lends itself to gastronomic greatness.  Its iron-rich […]

Friday Night Fast Food

Utter the words fast food and many call to mind the fried fare available under golden arches (and their relative counterparts).  While I grew up enjoying the occasional burger and fries my concept of fast food was, and still is, something entirely different.  Even now as a mother, my definition of fast-food has very little […]

An Olive Branch Extended in Education

Thomas Jefferson had it right when he said that “the olive tree is surely the richest gift of heaven” Olive oil has always been present in my kitchen and on my table.  It has always been the condiment of choice for cooking, dressing and even snacking without any thought.  Whether store bought or pressed from […]