Siclian Blood Oranges: The Jewel of the Citrus Family

Blood Oranges

I suppose one could say that I really got to the squeeze the day when visiting a Sicilian blood orange grove, in partnership with I Love Fruit and Veg from Europe.   The production under the hand of Rosario Meri also forms part of the collective OP La Deliziosa.

Learning about the Tarocco blood orange from Rosario Meri

Blood oranges are distinguished by their crimson-colored flesh hence their distinct moniker. Often described as the jewel of the citrus family, their ruby hue comes from the presence of an antioxidant called anthocyanin (this is the same antioxidant that gives blueberries their colouring).  The flesh of the oranges develops its colour from grown in partly cold weather, preferably any place that has enough warmth during the day but gets colder at night (as is the case in Sicily). They are extremely aromatic and are described as having a floral, tart taste.  They have numerous health benefits.

Enjoying the beauty and fragrance of the orange trees

The blood orange or arancia rossa di Sicilia is cultivated on the Catania plain, and in parts of Enna and Siracusa, where it has earned protected geographical status (PGI). There are 3 main varieties of blood oranges, Moro, Sanguinetti and Tarocco.

The name Tarocco is thought to be derived from an exclamation of wonder expressed by the farmer who was shown the fruit with its signature shading.  It is a medium-sized, seedless, fruit and considered the sweetest and most flavorful of the three types, which is perhaps why it is also the most popular. It also has the highest Vitamin C content of any orange variety in the world. Its growing season begins in mid-December and ends in mid-May. It was this variety specifically that we grazed on while roaming the groves with Rosario.

The Moro variety is the first of the varieties to ripen with a growing season that runs from December to mid-March. The Moro is characterized by its wine tinted peel and dark red flesh and juice.

Lastly, the Sanguinello referred to as “half-blood” because its flesh is less intensely colored as its counterparts (it often appears more blood streaked).  The skin of the Sanguinello also bears slightly blushed tones. This orange has the shortest growing season, it begins to ripen in February and is harvested between March and April.

The crimson coloring of the skin of the blood orange

Despite their differing profiles, each variety offers numerous health benefits.  They are rich in antioxidants and minerals that reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in addition to protecting the skin from the aging action of free radicals. Their high concentration of Vitamin C helps the body heal by supporting healthy blood vessels and muscles and aid with the absorption of iron.  Blood oranges contain more than 7% of the daily recommended amount of potassium, along with the water-soluble fiber known as pectin that reduces blood cholesterol levels.

The blushed and juicy flesh of the Tarocco blood orange

Blood oranges can be used in a myriad of ways: they can be eaten fresh or used for juices; they can be used in salads (such as the classic fennel and orange), in dressings, marinades, cocktails, jams and jellies, desserts and even added to stir-fries, used in salsas, or paired with dark greens.

If your travels happen to take you to the western region of Sicily at the end of February, the small town of Palagonia (in Catania), hosts a Sagra dell’Arancia Rossa di Sicilia (a blood orange festival).  During this time, anyone strolling through the city centre can sip the succo of the orange or sample many mouthwatering citrus specialties.

At present, the arancia rossa is used mainly for culinary or cosmetic purposes, however, it was once believed to have magical properties that could be used against the bites of poisonous snakes or even as an elixir of life.  In Medieval times, blood oranges were a symbol of status and power.  They are also an embodiment of resurrection and eternal life in European culture and art.

Once you have discovered this southern Italian treasure, you will understand why this ruby red orange is considered a jewel. Buon Appetito!



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