Befanini : The Final Sweep on the Christmas Season
“La Befana vien di notte, con le scarpe tutte rotte. Col vestito alla romana, Viva, Viva La Befana!” (“The Befana comes by night, with her shoes all tattered and torn. She comes dressed in Roman clothes, long live La Befana”) These rhyming versus in Italian may not resonate with everyone but for me they signify […]
Repurposing Panettone and Pandoro
The holiday season may seem like a distant memory, however like the ghost of Christmas past, remnants may still be found amidst the goods stocked in the kitchen cupboards. One such festive clinger, the Italian fruitcake known as, panettone. While a buttery slice makes a nice accompaniment to a cup of coffee or tea, a […]
Dad’s Chunky Sauce
I am frequently asked how I developed my love and passion for food and cookery. I always respond, immediately and adoringly, that it came from my father; the man, who for as long as I can remember, has always expressed creativity in the kitchen. While my mother has always been the primary cook and put […]
Amaretti: The Sweet Socialites
Certain things are simply synonymous with celebrations; invitations, flowers, music and of course food. Every celebratory event will usually have a sweet finish which, in many a case for me, includes classic Italian cookies such as boccanotti, anginetti and amaretti. These chewy almond crinkles make their appearance at every bridal shower, baptism, communion, confirmation, milestone […]
Chestnuts: The Heart of the Hearth
“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…..”The famed opening lines of the carol sung so beautifully by crooner Nat King Cole; painting a picture of warmth and comfort. It is this familiar line that I call to mind at this time of year as chestnuts crackle in the fire. Although the marroni can be enjoyed in […]
Something Sweet For The Holidays
Being a Canadian of Italian heritage, there are many holidays we observe leading up to Christmas. With those holiday celebrations come wonderful food traditions, each of which usually has historical significance. December 13th is the Feast Day of Santa Lucia (Saint Lucy) and it is celebrated with a classic dessert known as cuccia. Santa Lucia, […]
Say it with a Kiss
Kitchen Positivity
Soup’s On
Memories Frozen in Time