Sugo and Song: The Connection Between Food and Music

I’ve been to an unprecedented number of concerts this year; perhaps it was making up for lost time (two years without any live entertainment at all), or the nostalgia factor (most of the shows were bands or artists whose music made up the soundtrack of my 80s upbringing), and maybe even a YOLO component (sadly […]

Memorable Menz’Agustu-Ferragosto Food Memories

Mare o montagna, (mountains or seaside)? This is typically what Italians ponder when trying to decide where to have the annual scampagnata (picnic) celebrating one of their most revered festivals, Ferragosto. I’ve had the good fortunate to take part in the mid-August festivities in Italy, but even here at home, this feast is a time-honoured […]

This Gelato has a Pizzo of my Heart

Have you ever heard of, or better yet tasted, Tartufo di Pizzo? Tartufo di Pizzo as its name suggests, hails from the Calabrese city of Pizzo – a small fishing town on the region’s west coast. It is also affectionately referred to as the “city of ice-cream” because of this very particular confection, which was […]

With this Ring…. Ginetti

With this ring…..these words might conjure up images of a wedding ceremony and the exchanging of gold bands, however, in Calabria there is another type of matrimonial ring, a dessert by the name of Ginetti (not to be confused with the lemon knot cookies known as anginetti).  These treats are traditionally enjoyed for Easter, prepared […]

Pasties for St. Paddy’s

Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw once said “there is no sincerer love, than the love of food”.  His famous words could very well be my personal slogan for I am truly consumed with a passion for food that encompasses a global spectrum. While my truest fondness will always be Italian food, I do enjoy taking […]

Sugo and Song: Sanremo 2023 Edition

Food is my obvious first love, and following behind, at a very close second, is music (particularly Italian). Food and music are intertwined in my world; there is always music on, keeping me company as I cook (it’s not that unusual to see me pick up my wooden spoon and pretend it’s a microphone as […]

The Taste of the World is Italian

Taste, it is both a noun and a verb, it refers to the act of food coming into contact with the tongue as well as the sensation that is perceived when that contact is made. Most recently, taste has come to mean a number one ranking for the cuisine I have known and loved, my […]

Chinese New Year: Celebrating with Symbolic Food

Today, January 21st, kicks off the celebration of Chinese New Year, ushering in the year of the Rabbit (the animal which I happen to me according to my birth year on the Chinese zodiac). The symbolic and cultural meanings of the rabbit are closely related to its living habits, including vigilance, wittiness, cautiousness, deftness, and […]

From Scratch (A Reflection on the Year that was 2022)

Earlier this year, I like many, was absorbed in the limited series “From Scratch” on Netflix. I would have never imagined that this television title, for me, would define 2022. The term “From Scratch” is defined as creating something without any ingredients or materials prepared ahead of time. In culinary terms, to make something from […]

San Silvestro Salad to Celebrate New Year’s Eve

December 31st, New Year’s Eve, or Notte di San Silvestro for Italians. The night when we gather with loved ones, to celebrate and reflect on the year gone by, while looking forward to the year ahead. When red underwear is worn for luck, old objects are tossed out the window, fireworks light the night sky, […]