Caffe’ Sospeso: Kindness Pending

Espresso macchiato

How appropriate that during the season of giving we celebrate the day of the Caffe’ Sospeso.

Translated to pending or suspended coffee, this is beautiful anonymous act of generosity and solidarity originated in Napoli. Caffe’ sospeso is ordering one coffee but paying for two. The barista will later give the already paid coffee to the next person who comes in. Nevertheless, this is not to be seen as an act of charity, but rather as the intention of sharing a simple daily pleasure.

This tradition is said to have begun during the Second World War when members of the working class paid for two cups of coffee, including one for those who could not afford it.

The practice of the caffè sospeso saw a resurgence in 2008 in light of the global recession and has since been documented in pop culture, including the 2017 book published by Neapolitan writer, director and actor Luciano De Crescenzo “Il caffè sospeso. Saggezza quotidiana in piccoli sorsi.”  The text is a collection of articles published between 1977 and 2007 on the subject of suspended coffee along with daily wisdom in small sips (anecdotes and stories of everyday life) on what is not merely a habit of the City of Naples, but a philosophy of life.

In some coffee shops, customers can place a receipt for a second coffee in a container for another customer to claim. Baristas may also keep ledgers or tape receipts to the window to indicate the availability of caffe sospeso as well as displaying signs indicating that suspended coffees are available within.

In 2010, a series of cultural events, readings, plays, and festivals were held in Italy joining an initiative known as Rete del Caffè Sospeso. From 2011 the Giornata del Caffè Sospeso has been celebrated in conjunction with the Human Rights Day commemorated on December 10th identifying it as a symbol of social solidarity.

This core part of Neapolitan culture has now become popular in coffee shops around the world, including Starbucks, which has participated in a charity initiative based on the concept.

“Quando un napoletano e’ felice per qualche ragione, invece di pagare u solo caffe,’ quello che berebbe lui, ne paga due, uno per se’ e uno per il cliente che viene dopo. E’ come offrire un caffe’ al resto del mondo.”

“When someone is happy in Naples, instead of paying a cup of coffee for himself, he just pays another one for someone else; it’s like offering a cup of coffee to the rest of the world.”

The act of the Caffe’ Sospeso represents positive feelings of love and compassion towards humanity, and the kindness devolved to the people from an entire city. Buon Appetito!



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