From Scratch (A Reflection on the Year that was 2022)

From Scratch

Earlier this year, I like many, was absorbed in the limited series “From Scratch” on Netflix. I would have never imagined that this television title, for me, would define 2022.

The term “From Scratch” is defined as creating something without any ingredients or materials prepared ahead of time. In culinary terms, to make something from scratch means to use only the most basic ingredients, with nothing premade. The phrase comes from the sporting world where it originally referred to the starting line of a race “scratched” into the ground, from which all runners would be starting without a head start. It has since fostered the idea of being a figurative starting point which has carried over to the contexts of cooking or building, giving us from scratch as a phrase for a true starting point for such projects.

We all started over from scratch, as things began to fall into place (though all is not still entirely back to normal) from what we have all suffered over the course of the last three years. Slowly starting to rebuild our confidence and courage, overcoming fears. Rebuilding patience, re-engaging in relationships, from scratch.

I had to start my work life again from scratch. After wrapping up an 18-month contract I was once again faced with drafting a resume from scratch along with personal presentation (interviews are always so trying). I found myself in a new role, new office environment with new systems and practices and new colleagues. I not only adapted, but I also thrived and continue to do so.

My role is that of an event planner and here too, I began from scratch. Re-engaging in-person participation, rebuilding “live” events after two and half years of conducting them robotically over zoom. Gathering people together once again and enjoying the human interaction that had to be recreated from scratch.

Most recently I lost my intellectual property when my Instagram account was hacked. After learning a valuable lesson in online security and creating greater protective mechanisms, I am rebuilding my account and my community from scratch so that I can continue to share my passion for food and culture. Prior to creating this new account, I launched a new website that was created from scratch. Revisiting what I have shared over the last decade and creating something new, something fresh and exciting to share with the world.

Starting from scratch for me has also meant getting back to some of the things I enjoy most; back to attending concerts, back to hosting my own personal events and gathering people around a table.  It has also meant the opportunity to reconnect and make new discoveries such as new people and new businesses who, even in the short term have made a lasting impression and with whom I look forward to collaborating with in the future and launching innovative ideas from scratch.

Making something from scratch which in culinary terms means you have dedicated time and care into a new development, typically concludes with an amazing result, one in which you are brimming with pride when its complete. So, the year of starting from scratch has proven to be fruitful, exciting, and full of new opportunities and memories. For all of us who have had to start from scratch in some capacity this year, let us applaud the strength and courage we’ve needed to do so and the strides we’ve made to get here. Wishing everyone a wonderful wrap on 2022 and a happy and prosperous 2023!



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